Frequently Asked Questions

Explore my FAQ page for an in-depth look at the crucial role of an intimacy coordinator. Find answers to common questions about fostering a secure and respectful environment on set and handling intimate scenes in film and television.

What does an intimacy coordinator do?

An intimacy coordinator has a very narrow, yet complex, scope of work. First and foremost, intimacy coordinators advocate for the safety and comfort of the actors during the recording of simulated sex, nudity, and other hyper-exposed scenes for film, television, streaming services, and video games. They help to create and facilitate clear and gentle communication between actors and directors, actors and production, and actors and their scene partners. Intimacy coordinators also ensure adherence to proper protocols and assist with choreography as needed.

What are intimate scenes?

Intimate scenes are any scenes that involve nudity, simulated sex or other hyper-exposed elements.

When should I hire an intimacy coordinator?

Best practices indicate that you should consider reaching out to an intimacy coordinator when you hire the other department heads. Intimacy coordinators do most of their work in prep.

What can I expect once I hire an intimacy coordinator?

A. What do intimacy coordinators do before the shoot? Everything. Read the script. Meet with producers and all relevant department heads. Meet the actors. Assist with choreography when asked. Rehearse if possible. All of this can happen in a very short amount of time, so ICs need to be able to work quickly. B. What do intimacy coordinators do on set? Once on set, intimacy coordinators are available to provide support and advocate for actors in scenes containing nudity, simulated sex, and other hyper-exposed actions such as medical procedures, morgue, and murder scenes. ICs also: Advocate for the safety and comfort of Actors. Liaise and create open communication between actors and Production. Facilitate clear communication and consent between actors. Ensure adherence to proper protocols. Assist in choreography or act as a movement coach when requested. More here for SAG protocols:

Does an intimacy coordinator need to be certified?

A. An intimacy coordinator does not have to be certified to practice in that role, but it is well advised to seek input from those working in the field before you either venture out to become one or are considering hiring someone who isn’t certified. Certified intimacy coordinators are highly trained in everything from trauma, Mental Health First Aid, DEIJ, and gender identity and expression, to modesty garments and barriers, intimate choreography and sexual dramaturgy. Many ICs come from backgrounds not at all associated with motion picture production, such as sex therapists and grief counselors. People who do not have extensive training can do significant harm to performers and severely delay production because they lack the specialist knowledge needed to do this job efficiently and safely.

What types of productions need an IC?

All types of productions requiring nudity, simulated sex, and other hyper-exposed scenes should engage an IC. ICs are also good to have around if you are working with minors who are having a first kiss on set or children who are being picked up by actors they don’t know.

Where can I find more information?

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Let’s talk about your unique intimacy coordination needs.